I finally tried the Vietnamese yogurt using instant pot. But not sure what happened or how I read the recipe, I ended up using 2 cans of hot water instead of 1.😅 Maybe I am getting old, my memory not so good now. I will need to make sure to re-read everything before mixing next time...lol. Lucky for me the yogurt still set and yummy.

after refrigerated

after 12 hrs in instant pot
A lot of people using this recipe and sharing on fb and online but not sure who's the original creator.
1 can condensed milk
1 can hot water
2 cans milk (for creamier us whole)
1 can plain yogurt with live cultures
Mix condensed milk with hot water. Then add in cold milk. Add in plain yogurt, making sure mixture not too hot or it will kill live cultures. Strain mixture and divide into moulds. (I was able to pour into 14 four ounces jar.)
Cover and place on trivet in instant pot to incubate. Add 1 cup water into pot. Set on yogurt mode and change to 11-14 hrs depending on how tart you want your yogurt.
Refrigerate after incubation.