Showing posts with label Persimmon/Pawpaw. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Persimmon/Pawpaw. Show all posts

Thursday, September 17, 2020

PA Golden Pawpaw

I bought two pawpaw trees many years ago. One from Starbros and another from Trees of joy. The one I bought from Starbros is the PA Golden. The tree is growing nicely and produces a lot of pawpaw. The fruit rippen mid September. 

The other tree Sunflower I bought from Trees of Joy. Maybe it's the location but the tree is growing a lot slower than the PA Golden.  Fruit is not rip yet and probably rippen late September. 

Here are some pictures of my PA Golden pawpaws. Last picture is my mom trying to pick the fruits.😁

Monday, December 14, 2015

My Pawpaw Photos 2013

I took these pictures back in 2013 when my trees were full of fruits.  This year I had a good crop too but I didn't take any picture so I uploaded the 2013.  I have the Sunflower and PA Golden varieties. Both are very good and sweet.  The only thing I dislike is of course the large seeds and the slight bitterness close to the skin from Sunflower. But my mom was fine with it.  The PA Golden which I got from a nursery is a lot larger compared to the Sunflower.  However, Sunflower have a better flavor and slightly chewier than PA.  Actually, all flesh covering the seed is chewier for both varieties. So I usually eat all the area near the seeds and give the other rest to the kids. :)  I like the fruit when it's just ripen.  If you leave it longer then the flesh is more mushy and juicy.  It's hard to describe the flavor.  My mom said it tasted like banana and some jackfruit

Sunday, August 11, 2013

My Pawpaw Finally Fruiting!

Look Like I will get to taste some pawpaw fruits this year.  Now I wonder when they will ripe.  I read pawpaw ripe at the end of September and wondering if that's true for all pawpaw.  I planted these 2-3 years ago and they're already fruiting.  Lucky I didn't have to wait 5-6 years! :)  They are Sunflower pawpaw and Golden pawpaw.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Stark Bros Trees

So I ordered two persimmon trees, Hachiya Oriental and Ichi-Ki-Kei-Jiro. I also ordered Pennsylvania Golden Pawpaw. When I saw the box I was like wow, so tall. The trees must be tall too.... Well, I was disapponted after I opened the box. The trees are so small and all stick-figure.:( I had to wait for the trees to adapt to the outdoor weather before planting. Now it's time to dig some holes. Hopefully my trees will grow fast and fruit for me in another 2 years. I know pawpaw will takes at least 5-6 years. I will get another pawpaw but somewhere else.