Saturday, February 2, 2019

Almond Pumpkin Seeds Tuiles/Brittles/Biscuits/Crisps

First time making these almond pumpkin seeds tuiles and they are so addictive! I love the crispy crunchy and full of aroma while chewing. I made more to test out my recipe and to give some to family and friends.


150gr sliced almond
105gr lightly salted roasted pumkin seeds
10gr ground almond
50gr unsalted butter
100gr sugar
30gr all purpose flour
2 large egg white (70 gr)
1/4 tsp salt( no salt if use salted seeds)
1/4 tsp almond extract or 1/2 tsp vanilla


1. Melt butter in double boiler or microwave. Leave to cool.
2. Use double boiler method. Once water boiling, turn off and place bowl on top without touching water. Whisk egg white and sugar until melt. Keep stirring to prevent egg cooking.
3. Take out whisk until foamy with fine bubbles and whisk in butter, then all purpose flour and then almond flour. Then add in vanilla.
4. Use spatula mix in almond/pumkin mixture until combine.
5. Preheat oven 335F.
6. Spread mixture into parchment paper to even and thin layer.
7. Bake 10 minutes then lower temperature to 320F. Bake until 17-20 minutes.
8. Cut into desired sizes right after taking out of oven as it will shatter easily once cooled. (Now if color is not golden then place in oven for few more minutes.)

Note: Some part might brown faster due to uneven heating so will need to take out and cut to desire pieces then place back into oven for few more minutes until all golden. Leave to cool before storing in airtight container.
Optional: toast sliced almonds for few minutes at 250F. Let cool before using.

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