Sunday, April 26, 2020

Ham Corn and Cheese Buns

I have a pack of ham left but no more bread to eat with it. So decided to make these ham corn and cheese buns. They are so very delicious and smell great with the scallions. I used mozzarella cheese for a chewy texture. I made both ham corn and hot dog buns using thewoksoflife dough recipe.

Dough recipe from 👉thewoksoflife.  Followed recipe and used almost 1/2 cup sugar since I like my bread a little sweet plus adding additional flour balanced it out. I needed to add more flour as dough was a bit wet. So if you're making some liquid to add slowly at the end to prevent dough too wet. This dough can make 9-10 ham corn plus 5 hot dog buns. Divided dough to 75 grams each.

If you only want to make 8 buns then try this recipe from 👉 ochikeron. Video is great to watch on how to roll the dough and ham. 

Mix corns with mayonnaise more or less to your like. I used 3/4 (15.25oz can) of corns and about 4 tbsp mayonnaise.  Can mix in scallions or just top it.

I also used 2 slices of ham since my ham were pretty thin and we love ham.😆

Tips: Best to use silicone mat to prevent burning on bottom of bread. Also, I find it better to use 2nd rack in oven instead of 3rd for a browner top. It'll take longer to get the golden color if at middle oven. Of course all depends on how big and type of oven. I baked middle rack at 395F for 10 minutes but still not golden so placed on 2nd rack for another 5-9 minutes.

-Happy baking

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