So I made some pork buns this weekend for my brother to bring to PennState. Made everything from scratch including the dough. The dough turned out pretty well. Next time I'm going to try making with ragi yeast instead. Maybe the dough will turn out whiter. Same as last time it is better to fry the buns afterward.

Dough: for 28 Large Buns
6 cups all purpose flour
2 cups self-rising flour
4 tsp baking powder
1 bag 12 oz dry yeast +1 cup warm water microwave 30 seconds + 1 tbsp sugar
1 cup water
1.5 cup sugar
3 tbsp oil or lard
1. Mix all four, sugar, baking powder together.
2. Add in yeast mixture to flour and then add in the another 1 cup water. Knead the dough for 15 minutes until smooth. If dough too dry then add in some more water.
3. Add in oil and knead for another minute.
4. Cover dough and leave in oven with light on for 30 minutes or 1 hr until dough double.
Fillings:2 lbs 10 oz ground pork
135 gm chives chopped
400 gm cabbage chopped + 1 tsp salt and squeeze out water
35-40 gm dry fungus (boil and chopped in small pieces)
2 bundle vermicelli noodle soaked and chop 3 times to shorten
7 eggs boiled and 1 into 4
3-4 pieces of chinese sausage cut into 28 cubes
Seasoning:1 tbsp fish sauce
1.5 tsp salt
2 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp msg
3 tbsp oyster sauce
1/2 tsp ground pepper
3 tbsp oil
4 tbsp cornstarch
1/2 cup water
1. Mix seasoning with ground pork and mix well.
2. Add in cabbage and then chives and then fungus and vermicelli. Incorporate the ingredients evenly. (Try to taste the meat and see if need more seasoning or not.)
Method:1. Cut out wax paper 28 pieces. 3x3 "
2. Divide the dough into 28 pieces. Cover unused dough. Take a piece out and flatten. Add in large tbsp fillings, egg, and sausage. Place bun on wax paper, in steaming tray and cover. Repeat until you have enough buns to steam.
3. Heat water and add in 3-4 tbsp vinegar and steam buns for 30+ minutes. Open the cover the first 5 minutes to release steam water then cover and continue to steam.
(Note: Fry buns in some oil until golden. Try not to fry too many at a time since it will burn fast.)